Every language course at Deutsch in Graz begins with a consultation and a placement test. In this way we guarantee our students the appropriate course level and homogeneous groups.
The written and oral test takes about 90 minutes and includes grammar, reading, listening and writing skills.
You can take the placement test free of charge at our school from Monday to Friday from 12:00 to 2:00 and on Tuesday from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Pre-registration is not necessary. So as not to lose valuable course time, we ask our students to take the placement test before their course starts. If this is not possible, you can take the test on the first day of your course.
You can check your German skills with our [dig]-online test:
It will take you approximately 30 minutes. When finished, end off the test sheet by pressing the blue button saying “send” You will receive the test results with its score and comments via email* within a few minutes. To receive your test results, it is necessary to forward your email address. Please pay attention to spelling. Otherwise, we cannot pass on your results.
This service is for free and without liability. We assure that your personal data will not be passed on to a third party.
Enjoy filling in the gaps!